In overclass snoburbia, your town has not made it until you have a farmers’ market. You get bonus points if your market is organic, and even more if it is held at a quaint Victorian train station.
It must sell things with names like “tea tree oatmeal soap” or “Mission olive oil with hot chili flakes and a blend of Mediterranean herbs.”
Our local farmers’ market would not let me in to sell my t-shirts that make fun of people who go to farmers’ markets. We, my dear, are not a flea market.
It is a shame that someone who produces products with local themes would not be allowed to participate! Shame on them!
Don't give up...I think your product is fab!
Posted by: PotomacSecretAgent | September 24, 2009 at 08:32 AM
I 100% agree with the farmers market management -- once you let in the tshirts then the packs of tube socks, Chinese plastic toys, sunglass racks and perfume knock-off guys are not far away. Try Eastern Market, Crafty Bastards, etc. you have plenty of other venues for your products without diluting a good thing.
Posted by: Kathy J, Washington Gardener Mag | September 28, 2009 at 01:52 PM